Financial Deposits | Redmond Economic Development Inc.
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The total deposit base for the FDIC-insured institutions in Redmond totaled $1,021,592 as of June 30, 2022 (most current available data from FDIC). Redmond makes up 17.1% of Deschutes County's $5 billion deposit base.

Financial Deposit Growth  (in millions)

County 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 % Growth 2021-2022
Crook County $205 $237 $234 $265 $276 $298 $338 $321 $374 $443 18.2%
Deschutes County $2,450 $2,682 $3,000 $3,235 $3,427 $3,424 $3,679 $4,651 $5,350 $5,955 11.2 %
Jefferson County $146 $143 $143 $148 $159 $167 $165 $193 $249 $294 18.3%
Tri-County Total $2,801 $3,063 $3,377 3,647 $3,863 $3,889 $4,187 $5,165 $5,974 $6,693 12 %
Source: FDIC Summary of Deposits as of 6/30 for each year.