Looking to the Future with COCC

Economic development is a team sport. Redmond Economic Development, Inc. prides itself on working with local businesses, government, and colleges. This month, we are excited to get to know John J. Graham, Jr. through an informal Q&A session. John is the new Executive Director of the Center for Business, Industry, and Professional Development at Central Oregon Community College.
- Tell us a little about yourself and what you hope to bring to COCC.
My background includes more than 35 years of senior leadership experience at global brands like Nike, Quicksilver and Speedo. I’ve also been a small business owner, financial technology investor and registered investment advisor. Like so many, my family and I fell in love with Central Oregon and moved here in 2020. I was looking for an opportunity to actively contribute to growing our economy when I learned of the position at the college.
I’m looking forward to bringing my expertise and energy to COCC to expand CBIPD as the center of excellence for boosting career skills and supporting local businesses focused on growth in Central Oregon.
- What is the purpose of COCC’s Center for Business, Industry and Professional Development?
Our purpose is to offer relevant, short-term programs to help individuals, businesses and organizations achieve their professional goals. We strive to be the one-stop shop for workforce development in Central Oregon.
- What is the most exciting thing happening in your industry?
The continued alignment of community partners, local business sponsors, government agencies and individuals engaged cooperatively to drive a more vibrant and sustainable workforce in Central Oregon.
- How can local businesses take advantage of what COCC is offering?
A real advantage of COCC’s CBIPD is that we can help any size business. We provide tools, education and expert advice wherever you are in your business lifecycle journey.
A first great resource is to connect with us online at cocc.edu/CBIPD. On our website you can review our current courses along with all of the events, workshops and trainings we offer.
Next, I recommend scheduling a free one-on-one advising session with our Small Business Development Center (SBDC). These sessions are available in English or Spanish, on zoom or in person. Find out more about advising and other small business resources at cocc.edu/sbdc.
- What industry would you like to see come to Redmond?
This is a great question! I’ve based my answer on employment projections through 2032:
- Construction/Manufacturing. These areas align with the Clean Energy Works 2024 initiative to enhance workforce training and technical assistance for clean energy and manufacturing sectors through the expansion of the IAC (Industrial Assessment Center) program. Funds allocated by the Inflation Reduction Act are now starting to reach Oregon – let’s take advantage of this opportunity.
- Information sector industries including Telecommunications, Software Publishing, Motion Pictures and Sound Recording.
- How does supporting REDI matter to you as a Community Stakeholder?
Supporting REDI matters because it directly contributes to a stronger, more connected community, where every individual has the chance to succeed and contribute to our collective prosperity.
- Are there other things you’d like to share with us? (Hobbies, favorite hangout spot in Central Oregon?)
I enjoy running along the Deschutes River Trail, angling on the Crooked River, hiking Misery Ridge Trail, spring skiing at Mt. Bachelor and tasting any new IPA flavor that can be created.
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