Economic Indicators

Explore comprehensive research and data insights from Redmond Economic Development Inc. to support informed decision-making and drive local economic growth.

Discover Redmond and Central Oregon by the Numbers

Looking for in-depth, comprehensive data about Redmond and the region? Our regional economist would be proud! This is where you can look at Redmond and Central Oregon “by the numbers.”

A woman in a white lab coat working on a computer.

Key Insights and Data

At Redmond, we prioritize providing comprehensive and up-to-date research and data to support your business decisions. Our dedicated team offers insights and analytics on a range of topics crucial to your success.

Total Private Firms
Median Household Income
Private Industry Employment
A car driving under a sign that says richmond.
Downtown Redmond
Photo: Timothy Park

Population Totals For Central Oregon

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2010 - 2022
# Change
2010 - 2022
% Change
Source: Population Research Center, PSU. 2000 & 2010 census numbers are for April 1 of that year; 2015-2022 data are for July 1 of that year.

Central Oregon Industry Mix by Employment

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'Information', 'Financial activities', 'All Other', 'Professional and business services', 'Construction', 'Manufacturing', 'Leisure and hospitality', 'Education and health services', 'Trade, transportation and utilities'
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'Natural Resources and Mining', 'Construction', 'Manufacturing', 'Trade, Transportation and Utilities', 'Information', 'Financial Activities', 'Professional and Business Services', 'Education and Health Services', 'Leisure and Hospitality', 'Other Services', 'Unclassified', 'Government'
Scroll horizontally to view the whole content.
'Natural Resources and Mining', 'Construction', 'Manufacturing', 'Trade, Transportation and Utilities', 'Information', 'Financial Activities', 'Professional and Business Services', 'Education and Health Services', 'Leisure and Hospitality', 'Other Services', 'Unclassified', 'Government'

Real Estate Market

Updates on land, property availability, lease rates, and market trends.

chart icon

Beacon Report

Monthly report that gives a summary of houses sold, median house price

Building icon

Compass Commercial

Provides insights into the commercial and industrial real estate market in Central Oregon


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A man in a yellow kayak paddling down a river.