Do Business Here
With its thriving economy, supportive business community, and exceptional quality of life, Redmond offers endless opportunities for growth and success.
Thriving city with a small town history
Positioned centrally within Oregon and home to the Redmond Municipal Airport, the city serves as a nexus to the Pacific Northwest and beyond. This ensures that businesses in Redmond have access to major markets, supply chains, and a global audience.

Reasons Why Redmond Should Be Home To Your Business
Financial Benefits
Oregon has no sales tax, no inventory tax, and an affordable property tax system.
Affordable Utilities
Electricity rates in Redmond, Oregon are over 10% lower than the national average across all sectors.
Low Labor costs
With continued in-migration, labor costs are also among the most affordable on the West Coast.
A Hub Of Economic Growth And Opportunity
Redmond is consistently outpacing national averages for economic growth rate thanks to our diverse industries. We serve as the region’s manufacturing hub and account for over 1,800 jobs within the city as of 2023. Over 28 percent of the Deschutes County manufacturing jobs are in Redmond.

Small Business Is Big In Redmond, Oregon
Top Employers

Top industries

Local Amenities

Finding A Location

Research & Data

Education & Workforce

Home To Some Of The Best